la raison pour laquelle j'adore NYC
In the year and a half that I have left New York, I think of it everyday. I know this sounds quite sad, but everytime I return it is that much sweeter. For a period of less than 48 hours, Dave and I ran around like a bunch of "country folk." Actually, that is a lie. It took us about 15 minutes to get back into the swing of things. Dear, sweet city how I miss you so. Here are a few reasons why.
class with Kristin and Barbara at The Shala
enjoying the bread basket at Le Pain Quotidien with friends and your honey
fighting over the last NYTimes at your corner bagel place (OK, I borrowed that one from Karen)
Pat Kiernan on NY1
greenmarket at Union Square
boutique hotels and their swell-looking staff
sitting in Central Park and taking it all in
city noise
obsession for real estate
the fashion show on the street
Lever House (to be continued...)
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